Latest News
So Many New Ultimaker Items!
Wow, Ultimaker has released a bunch of new items this week! NEW Ultimaker PP (polypropylene) material! NEW CPE+, PC and TPU 95A NFC filament for the Ultimaker 3! NEW TPU 95A Colors! NEW Nozzle Packs for the Ultimaker 2+ printers! NEW Print Core AA/BB 0.8mm size for...
3D Printing Course for Educators: Registration Closes this Friday, June 23rd!
Call 1-800-338-2238 or email to check seat availability. Reserve your seat!
Protect Your Filament and Extend the Shelf Life with TEC “Store N Save” Material Bags!
TEC “Store N’ Save” Material Bags are made of Mylar, are waterproof, and close tightly with a Zip-lock seal. These heavy duty bags include extra protection with a Desiccant Pouch to absorb moisture. Quickly identify the material inside without having to open the bag...
TEC Custom Safety Door for Ultimaker 3D Printers NOW SHIPPING!
NH Students Win Again Using Envisioneer!
Hat's off to Monadnock Regional High School students who placed First and Second in this year's High School Design Competition sponsored by the American Institute of Architects-New Hampshire! Lead Teacher Jerry Kuhn, explains, "We had two designs submitted. One was by...
TN Student Maintains State Champ Status using Envisioneer!
A Note from the Desk of Daniel Arnett, Teacher at Hampton High School, TN: I wanted to let you in on some more good news. Last week our TSA (Technology Student Association) and SkillsUSA competitions took place in Chattanooga. Ian Kelly maintained his champion status...
TEC Summer Institute for Professional Development – Save the Dates!
Course descriptions and registration info available soon! Sign up here to have info sent to you! Course offerings: Laser Technologies for the Classroom July 11-13 Hands-on teacher training, make-and-take your own projects, learn lots while having tons of fun!...
Kacie’s Top Ten Tips for Designing Models for 3D Printing
[Source:] Kacie Hultgren, aka PrettySmallThings, is a Broadway scenic designer who uses her 3D printer to build scale models for set designs, among other amazing things, like her 3D printed...
The GCC Hybrid CO2+Fiber Laser is HERE!
Announcing the Two-in-One new Spirit GLS Hybrid model that allows powerful laser engraving for organic materials AND metallic with CO2 and Fiber dual lasers in one system! Reliable CO2 lasers combined with powerful fiber lasers provide a wide range...
NH Girls Technology Day 2017, here we come!
TEC is looking forward to NH Girls Technology Days next week! 3/14 New Hampshire Technical Institute 3/16 University of New Hampshire 3/17 Manchester Community College *Girls are welcome to visit us to laser engrave your own glass bead on our GCC Laser Engraver!*...
NH High School Students Explore High Tech Manf with Roland MDX-540
b Students at Con-Val High School in Peterborough, NH are going to be doing their own high tech manufacturing thanks to a new piece of equipment, the Roland MDX-540 desktop mill. Engineering Teacher Karen Fabianski explains, "Students at ConVal High School will be...
Up Mini 2 Printers Available from TEC! Low-cost, Compact & Portable, Built-in Filtration
Free VersaWorks Dual RIP Now Available for Existing Roland Printer Models!
[Roland DGA Announcement] b Irvine, Calif., Jan. 31, 2017 – Roland DGA Corporation has announced that its Roland VersaWorks Dual RIP and print management software is now available free of charge to customers of several additional existing printer models. VersaWorks...
Needham HS (MA) Prints 5 Hour Print on Ultimaker 3 Right Out of the Box!
Instructor Hans Batra at Needham HS (MA) just received his Ultimaker 3 3D Printer and already printed a 5 hour print!
Middle School Students Get Creative with Math and Laser Engraving!
Another creative laser engraver project from one of our customers! John Singer, CTE Dept. Chair., P.S. DuPont Middle School (DE) shares: "P.S. DuPont's BSAP program upping the game with some basic math drills using the game 'Jenga'. Oh yeah, they're producing them on...
South Shore Voc Tech Adds Roland SP-300i to Graphic Communications Program
Congratulations to South Shore Voc Tech HS (MA) on the arrival of their new Roland SP-300i print-cut machine! Jenn DeMariano (right, Dept Chair) and Carolyn Rutkowski (left, Design Teacher) worked with Technology Education Concepts technician Mark Suomala for setup...
Ultimaker Education Discount Extended to 1/31/17!
Available for a limited time... Ultimaker Educational Discounts! *** Save over $200! *** Regular Price EDU Discount Savings Ultimaker 2+ $2,499 $2,374 $125 Ultimaker 2 Extended+ $2,999 $2,849 $150 New! Ultimaker 3 $3,495 $3,320 $175 New! Ultimaker 3 Extended...
TEC Holiday Closure Announcement
TEC Holiday Schedule: Happy Holidays! Tech Ed Concepts, Inc. is closing Thursday, December 22 at 2:00 PM EST. After enjoying the holidays and time with family, we will be open for regular business hours on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. During the closure, emails sent to...
FREE Download – Everyday Classroom 3D Printing Checklist
This is a great list of essential questions that should be considered before your students hit that "print" button on your classroom 3D printer! b Recommended for any brand of 3D printer, we suggest that you laminate this checklist and place it next to your 3D...
The Non-Tech Teacher’s Guide to Using a 3D Printer
This article was featured by The site is packed with fantastic information, the newsletter is great, and they publish worthwhile and helpful articles, like this one! The Non-Tech Teacher’s Guide to Using a 3D Printer by Elizabeth Mulvahill Sure, a...