When did Ultimaker and MakerBot merge companies?
Ultimaker and MakerBot merged on September 13, 2022 to form a new company, UltiMaker.
Why did the companies merge?
“To provide easy-to-use and accessible 3D printing hardware, software, and materials for any application, driving the industry to a future state of responsible and sustainable manufacturing.” By merging the two companies, a complete range of 3D Printing solutions are available ranging from K-12 EDU bundles, through the production of commercial end-use parts. Read the press release here: https://press.ultimaker.com/ultimaker-and-makerbot-announce-closing-of-merger/.
Does the merger affect the Ulimaker or MakerBot Product Lines?
No, it does not. The current Ultimaker and MakerBot product lines will not be impacted. In fact, the expanded product line compliments a variety of applications with a greater range of capabilities.
Will TEC, Inc. still be my local Ultimaker representative and service center?
Absolutely! Our way of doing business with our customers will not change and we will continue to stock inventory and provide unparalleled service and support.
What else should I know about the merger?
TEC has also agreed to be a MakerBot reseller meaning that all MakerBot printers, materials, and accessories are available through TEC as well!
Please let us know if you have any other questions and we’ll do our best to find an answer for you!