DEPCO’s Industrial Automation and Pre-Engineering program is a skill-based, hands-on, interactive learning system that promotes higher-level learning. This program utilizes equipment and software that is standard in today’s industries. It provides students with not only the basics, but also the advanced knowledge and troubleshooting skills needed to have the competitive edge in today’s job market. This innovative program is designed as an advanced industrial automation and pre-engineering program ideal for secondary and post-secondary schools.

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Health Science

Heath Science Foundations: Online courseware that addresses the National Health Care Skill Standards by the National Consortium for Health Science Education.

Health Science Careers and Pathways: Interactive curriculum developed to address the National Health Care Skill Standards for high schools and post-secondary schools as well as the States’ Career Clusters Initiative.

Health Education Products for:

  • High Schools
  • Post-Secondary

STEM Career Explorations

Career Concepts and Career Experiences: Interactive learning labs and curriculum for middle school and high schools focused on STEM and career pathway exploration. Career Clusters provide organized instruction and student experiences based on sixteen broad categories that encompass virtually all occupations from entry to professional levels.

STEM Career Explorations for:

  • Middle Schools

  • High Schools